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Enjoy the Outdoors・Sustainability・Glocalizaition

【イベント案内:10/13】Autumn Marche(オータムマルシェ)

Event Information: Autumn Marche

10月13日(日)にYamanaka Terraceにて、山中湖近辺の店舗を集めたオータムマルシェを開催します。詳細はオータムマルシェInstagram公式アカウントにて随時ご案内予定です。

10月13日(日) 11:00〜19:00

Yamanaka Terrace


・森の王冠 Forest Crown(山中湖のリース屋さん)
・PIZZA NEW MID(山中湖の絶品ピザ屋)
・Holiday House by Mary and Keisuke(レコード持ち出しでセレクターします)



Autumn Marche will be held at Yamanaka Terrace on Sunday, October 13, featuring stores in the Lake Yamanaka area. Details will be posted on the official Autumn Marche Instagram account. For inquiries, please contact the aforementioned account.

【Date and time】
October 13 (Sunday), 11:00-19:00

Yamanaka Terrace

【Participating stores】
・チンチンブルワリー(craft beer and tap from Lake Yamanaka, Yamanashi Prefecture, brewed with spring water from Mt. Fuji)
・森の王冠 Forest Crown(lease shop at Lake Yamanaka)
・MS4D(architect office that grows vegetables without using pesticides in Oshino Village)
・PIZZA NEW MID(exquisite pizza shop in Lake Yamanaka)
・陶芸家スティーブン・キシック(Ceramic artist living in Nagano, who creates using materials from the earth)
・TUNELESS MELODY(mobile used bookstore)
・山河在リ(altitude 1000m, mountain stories, clothing)
・Holiday House by Mary and Keisuke(We will select the record by bringing it with you)

【Autumn Marche Instagram Official Account】


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