Yamanaka Terrace

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  • INFOお知らせinformation
  • ABOUTYamanaka TerraceについてAbout Yamanaka Terrace
  • STORYYamanaka TerraceができるまでHow Yamanaka Terrace was built
  • CONCEPT大切にしていることWhat we value
  • CAFEカフェのご案内Cafe Information
  • REFILL STOREリフィルストアのご案内Refill Store Information
  • MAP施設内MAPFacility MAP
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  • EVENTイベントについてAbout the Event
Enjoy the Outdoors・Sustainability・Glocalizaition


1.Enjoy the Outdoors


A space that conveys the comfort of spending time in nature and the joy and richness of gathering together

Yamanaka Terraceでは、カフェの店内だけではなく、敷地内のアウトドア空間で飲食を楽しんでもらうことをコンセプトに設計しています。また、イベントスペースを作り、ワークショップやマルシェ、アートなど様々なイベントを開催して人が集う空間にしていきたいと考えています。コーヒーを片手に、ぜひ屋外に出て思い思いの好きな場所を見つけてください。それぞれで場所で違う木々や風、光の織りなす風景、子ども達が気兼ねなく駆け回れる森の中。四季折々の自然が織りなす景色を五感で感じながら、コーヒータイムを楽しんでいただきたいです。

Yamanaka Terrace is designed with the concept of having people enjoy eating and drinking not only inside the cafe, but also in the outdoor space on the premises. We also intend to create an event space where people can gather for various events such as workshops, marche, and art. With a cup of coffee in hand, we invite you to go outdoors and find your favorite place. The trees, the wind, and the light weaving through the landscape differ from place to place, and the forest is a place where children can run around without hesitation. We hope you will enjoy your coffee time while experiencing the scenery of nature in each of the four seasons with all of your senses.



A testing ground for sustainable lifestyles.

私たちは日々の生活の中で必要以上にモノやエネルギーを消費しすぎ、と感じます。無理する必要はありませんが、無駄にするのは良くありません。妻は長らくサステナビリティの仕事をしており、常々疑問を感じていました。特に気候変動の問題は待ったなしです。このYamanaka Terraceは、この場を訪れる方々と持続可能な暮らしを考える機会にしたい、事業そのものの環境負荷をできるだけ少なくしたい、と考えています。食品や日用品を必要な分だけ、容器包装なしで購入できる量り売りを作ります。電気は再生可能エネルギー100%で運営し、廃棄物を出来るだけ出さず、水や資源の循環に取り組みます。マイマグカップ持参の推奨やカフェの飲食提供でのごみの最小化にも取り組みます。私たちは大きな企業体ではなく、個人レベル。個人レベルでどこまでできるかチャレンジします。事業として取り組むだけでなく、訪れた人に関心を持ってもらう仕掛けや、取り組みを浸透させるためのアイデアを、この地で検証していきます。

We consume too much stuff and energy than we need in our daily lives, I feel. There is no need to overdo it, but it is not good to waste. My wife has been working in sustainability for a long time and has always wondered. The issue of climate change, in particular, is one that will have to wait. We want this Yamanaka Terrace to be an opportunity to think about sustainable living with the people who visit here, and we want to minimize the environmental impact of the business itself. We will create a weighing system that allows visitors to purchase food and daily necessities in the amount they need, without containers or packaging. We will operate on 100% renewable energy for electricity, produce as little waste as possible, and work to recycle water and resources. We will also work to minimize waste by encouraging people to bring their own mugs and by providing food and beverages in our cafes. We are not a large corporate entity, but an individual. We will challenge ourselves to see how far we can go on an individual level. We will not only work on this as a business, but we will also test ideas for mechanisms to attract the interest of visitors and to spread our efforts here.



Global perspectives for local. Local activities for a global perspective.


Local circulation is essential for sustainability. We want to connect global perspectives to local activities, and moreover, to turn local activities into global ones. To minimize logistical burdens as much as possible, we introduce and incorporate cutting-edge initiatives from around the world while using locally produced and locally consumed foods. Or, we believe that there are things we can do because we, and not a large corporation, can provide a place for small businesses, artists, and others active in the community to play an active role. We hope to connect with many people and gradually increase what we can do.